Help with registration
1 Click on BLIV MEDLEM at the top right of the page and then fill-out the form.
2 You will shortly receive a confirmation mail (remember to check your spam-filter), when you have accepted this you will be able to now login to our website and sign-up for lessons, traefhold and events.
Are you having problems with signing-up:
- Check that you have corrctly filled-out the form. Remembered all fields. You will not be able to proceed to the next page if you have forgotten to fill-out something. Check the points below one by one:
- First name
- Surname
- Date-of-birth (REMEMBER DATE/MONTH/YEAR - choose the year first)
- Address
- Postcode
- Gender
- Mobile
- Mail
- Password twice
- Robot check
- Accept conditions
- Did a screenshot come up saying PROFILEN ER BLEVET OPRETTET? If so, you have registered everything correctly and you need to check your spam filter if you have not received your confirmation e-mail in your inbox.
- If this still does not work, try to sign-up on another computer, I-pad or mobile-phone.
- If you have the screenshot saying you will receive a confirmation mail and have checked your spam filter and still have not received a confirmation mail after 24 hours, please send us a mail stating who you have registered. - we will check if the sign-up has gone through and that you have written your mail address correctly.
- If you want to enroll more than one person, you can after you have have accepted your your mail and are logged-in, make a sub-profile for another swimmer and thus register both swimmers in the same profile (this can be done by clicking on your name in the top left corner when you are logged-in and then on "Opret underprofil" down to the left).