Lessons types
Løbende hold - Regular sessions
All seniorsporthold (seniors), voksen- , børne-, småbørns (adult, childrens and toddlers), and babyhold (babies) during weekdays are regular sessions.That is, there are no start of finish dates.
If you are enrolled in a class, then you do not need to re-register. You are enrolled in the class until you cancel your registration via your profile.
If your have saved your credit card details in our system, payment will automatically go through each 1st February and 1st August. You can of course also choose not to save your credit card details and instead log in and manually pay your invoicevia your profile. Please note that you only have 10 days to pay, otherwise you will lose your spot.
You can cancel your registration via your profile when you no longer wish to continue your lessons.
Turbo hold
Turbo hold are sessions that run for a limited period of time, with a set start and finish date, which may or may not follow the regualar season. When the end date is reached, you are no longer registered and therefore need to enroll in a new class if you wish to continue your swimming lessons.
Payment is a one-off payment when you register.
Turbo hold can last between 3 - 45 lessons and the price varies thereafter. Ensure you check the exact start and finish dates, along with the cost of each session’s description in the HOLD overview.
Turbo is primarily on Saturdays where special terms are in use.
Read more on special terms for Saturday sessions HERE